When choosing insurance for your vehicle, you may decide that it is not worth it to insure your car against hailstorms. Comprehensive insurance coverage generally covers hail damage, but third-party insurance does not.
Learn more below about the process of selling a hail storm-damaged car in South Adelaide
There are many reasons why you may make a choice not to insure against hail — maybe you park your vehicle in a covered garage or carport, you live in an area where hailstorms don’t often occur, or the value of your car means it is not economical to get comprehensive insurance.
However, when you’re not insured, sometimes the unavoidable happens, and your car becomes damaged by a hailstorm. When trying to sell hail-damaged cars Adelaide, you may find that many private buyers or dealerships want to avoid purchasing a vehicle with damage. So, is it possible to sell a hail-damaged car?
When to watch out for hail storms in Australia
If you have the opportunity to get your vehicle under cover, watch out for hailstorms at the following times and locations:
- In Australia, hailstorms occur most frequently in the Spring and Summer seasons, often between October and March.
- Giant hail in Australia usually occurs along South Australia.
- Storm does occur throughout Adelaide and across South Australia.
- Storms can occur at any time, day or night.
- Hail severity is predicted to increase continuously in most regions of the world.
Can you sell a hail-damaged car in South Australia?
The answer is yes — many places will purchase a car with hail damage, one of which is a salvage car buyer. At Adelaide Wrecker, we buy vehicles of any condition, with any size, shape or type of damage, whether roadworthy or unroadworthy. This is the simplest, fastest way to sell your vehicle with hail damage.
Read Also: How to Sell Unwanted Car For Top Cash
How to hail damage affects vehicle price
Hail damage on your vehicle can range from minor dents to extensive damage. Slight hail damage is often not enough to write off a vehicle, but it can negatively affect the price of the car you are trying to sell.
To determine how much the hail damage has affected the price of your car, you must request a quote from a vehicle purchasing expert. There are no general guidelines on how much the hail damage will reduce your car price, as the damage can vary widely, and the quote will differ for each vehicle.
Get a free quote from a purchaser, such as Metro Car Removals, to find out how much your hail-damaged car is worth.
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